Think of it like buying a product. Would you buy a product from a salesperson who tells you "I'm not 100% confident in the product
that I'm about to sell to you but I want you to buy it anyway"? I'm sure you wouldn't!
Its exactly the same with approaching your next employer. You are the
salesperson, the product you are selling is your skills set and your potential buyer is your next target employer. The only way to get her to buy from you is to
have confidence in your skills and communicate that confidence to her.
May be I know what you are thinking, "does that mean I have to exaggerate"? No, you do not have to exaggerate your skills. No one likes or buys from a lying salesperson either. If you exaggerate, you will only do it once. However, unless you speak well of your skills, no one would ever know that you have those those skills. It is your responsibility to convince your skeptical buyer that what you have to sell is authentic.
Don't we all have confidence? Yes, we are all born with confidence. However, as we advance in years, we may begin to loose confidence by the experience. A few things that can affect our confidence include disappointments from past experiences, lack of knowledge or skills for the job, lack of skills, poor personal grooming and lack of preparation. Here are a few steps you can take to approach your next employer with confidence
How to build your confidence
1. Deal with disappointments. Job search can be a rather difficult task. It is disappointing to find nothing after a thorough search. It is even more disappointing when things go wrong with a job interview especially if you have been searching for long. Unpleasant supervisor or co workers from the past may also affect our self confidence. Basically, disappointment can come from
anything that happened which you did not like as well as what you liked that
did not happen. Truth is, everything you like to happen will not happen and you will
not like everything that happen. So, it's good to keep those past unpleasant experiences where they belong-in the past. If you had the knowledge and skills but did not get that job, that potential employer may not necessarily be against you, they may just be for themselves or they just could not see how your skills would fit their picture. Refuse to let a disappointment rob you of your next job.
2. Acquire knowledge. Knowledge of the employer, position, qualifications and specific duties of the position are essential building blocks for confidence when approaching your next employer. Applying to an employer or for a position you know little or nothing about will rob you of self confidence. Take some time to study the employer and the position she is seeking to fill. You can never be confident talking about what you know little or nothing about. Your next employer has business goals and needs; you definitely want to know what these are. Some organizations will honour request for full position description. Ask your recruitment officer if they are willing to send you a copy of the job discription. Beside knowing your employer and the advertised position, you need to know your strengths, skills and personality. If it is job you are passionate about but do not have the required skills you may need to take active steps to develop the skills. You can develop new skills and build experience by volunteering in a similar position.
3. Prepare for the meeting. In addition to #2 above, you definitely want to meet your next employer prepared. Anonymous said, good preparation prevents poor performance. Preparation does not only refer to job interview; it covers everything from acquiring the skills to your first day on the job. You are well prepared to meet your next employer if you already know what you would be doing on the first day on your new job. Another aspect of preparation is dressing.
4. Dress for work. This may sound like a small matter but there is probably no better way to
lose confidence that to feel you don't belong. Poor dressing can give you this feeling. You do not have to buy new clothes to impress your next employer. Seriously, I don't think a responsible employer would focus more on your looks than on your dressing unless of course dressing is a bonafide requirement for the job. However, a poor dress for a great occasion may speak negatively about you. What exactly is a good dress? A good dress is one that fits the job. You know you are dressed for work if you look like or slightly better dressed than the team you are aspiring to join. Dressing for work not only tells the potential employer that you know what the job entails and that you are ready for work, it also tells them that you value and respect them as well are yourself. Dressing for work says a lot about your sense of personal worth and it gives you an edge over others.
When next you walk into the workplace or office of a potential employer, fill the room with confidence and let them know that not hiring will be a mistake.
I wish you the very best in your job search. Let me know when you succeed!
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